Second Class 2a. 

Explain when it is appropriate to use a fire for cooking or other purposes and when it would not be appropriate to do so.


  • You should not use a fire when you do not have a fire pit that is man made
  • You should not use a fire when there is a lot of trees surrounding you
  • You should not use a fire when the the campsite doesn't permit campfires
  • You should not use a fire when you do not have water with you


  • You should use a fire for cooking when you do not have a lightweight stove with you
  • When you instructed to use a fire to cook

Second Class 2d. 

Explain when it is appropriate to use a lightweight stove and when it is appropriate to use a propane stove. Set up a lightweight stove or propane stove. Light the stove, unless prohibited by local fire restrictions. Describe the safety procedures for using these types of stoves.

It is appropriate to use a lightweight stove when you are backpacking because they are easy to carry and they are small.

Image result for lightweight stove


  • Carry the stove and fuel separation from all of your other camping gear so it doesn't ruin anything
  • Screw things on tightly and listen and smell for leaks
  • When cooking cook away from trees and dry brush. Cook in an open area
  • Label fuel cans so they are not confused with water bottles
  • Wait for the stove to cool down before packing it up

It is appropriate to use a propane stove when you are not backpacking and when you are cooking a large meal. It is important to use a propane stove only in a clear area without many trees and dry brush.

Related image


  • Screw things on tightly and listen and smell for leaks
  • When cooking cook away from trees and dry brush. Cook in an open area
  • Make sure the burners are in good shape and are not broken
  • Store the propane tanks upright

Tenderfoot 3d. 

Demonstrate proper care, sharpening, and use of the knife, saw, and ax.

Describe when each should be used.

Pocket Knife

Image result for pocket knife

  • Keep pocket knife blades closed when not in use
  • Stay arms length away from people
  • Sharpen using a sharping stone


Image result for hand saw

  • Keep it sheathed when not in use
  • only use in ax yard
  • Replace the blades when they become dull


Image result for ax

  • Keep ax cover on it when not in use
  • Only use in ax yard
  • Sharpen using a sharping stone
TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
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